【主治】肝腎不足 血脈瘀滯
【功能】活血祛瘀 行血活絡
- 適合:關注紓緩減輕高血脂、膽固醇、高血壓人仕
- 用法:成人口服 每晚或飯後服一至二粒 溫開水送服
- 用量:一日一次 每次一至二粒
- 禁忌:孕婦忌服、忌食生冷之物、忌食油膩之物、感冒瘦弱不宜
- 規格:膠囊每粒0.6克 每瓶50粒 淨重30克
Displayed is a bottle of Chinese medicinal pills made with natural Chinese herbs. The formula helps to slim the figure and improve blood circulation. The pills are suitable for the working individuals to stay healthy.
- To be taken with warm water.
- 0.6g per capsule.
- 50 capsules per bottle.
- Net weight: 30g.
- Registered Chinese medicine.
- Made in Hong Kong.
- Available in various packages.