【主治】跌打損傷 瘀血不散 傷筋疼痛
【功能】舒筋活血 益氣鎮痛 健筋強骨
- 適合:跌打損傷 瘀血不散 傷筋疼痛
- 用法:成人口服 飯後服二粒 溫開水送服
- 用量:一日三次 每次二粒
- 禁忌:戒風寒房勞 忌燒酒 孕婦不宜
- 規格:膠囊每粒0.6克 每瓶50粒 淨重30克
Featured is a kind of Chinese medicinal pills made from all natural Chinese herbs. The pills are made to cure general pain and improve conditions of the bones and tendons. The pills also improve blood circulation and wound recovering.
- To be taken with warm water.
- 0.6g per capsule.
- 50 capsules per bottle.
- Net weight: 30g.
- Registered Chinese medicine.
- Made in Hong Kong.
- Available in various packages.