

CenterOS Limited
Data Center Infrastructure Manager
Designed by a previous data centre manager, CenterOS is a purpose built solution that gives a single holistic view of the data center infrastructure, from floor space to rack space, power to cooling, cabling to change management, right down to blades in a chassis. You can even document and manage cabling end to end. CenterOS shows you how much capacity you have, where it is, how much is used and how much is available. Proven solution CenterOS is deployed in some of Australasia’s most respected companies. Both end user data centers and hosting companies, rely on CenterOS to manage the day to day challenges of running a data center. With a highly flexible approach and a product that is evolving to meet ever changing market requirements, CenterOS is the leading provider of data centre infrastructure management.
  • Capacity planning: know what you have, and do not have.
  • On demand: ability to respond to requests from the business confidently.
  • Reduces risk: changes can be made knowing the impact.
  • Minimize downtime: reduce the risk of error through better documentation.
  • Single instance of truth: removes the need for multiple disconnected spreadsheets and Visio diagrams.
  • Status at a glance: know where things are at as of today.
  • Customized reporting: usage and capacity reports on demand.

CenterOS Limited

CenterOS Limited


出口商, 製造商

