The principal activity of Extension Service of the Coffee Board is to transfer of coffee technologies standardized by the research department to the coffee growers for achieving better production/productivity vis-a-vis improving the quality of the coffee. Thus it helps to bridge the gap between coffee planters and research scientists in the implementation of coffee technology in the coffee estates.
Extension Programmes: The main extension programmes envisaged are as follows:
Execution of various on-going extension plan schemes as per the calendar of events chalked out/envisaged.
Conducting Method Demonstrations / On-farm Demonstrations to improve the skills of carrying out operation effectively.
Conducting village level/group meetings and seminars.
Conducting Mass Contact/Mass Communication Programmes, media campaigns and other training programmes to improve the knowledge and skill levels of coffee growers and workers in Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamilnadu.
Conducting Vocational Training programmes for women workers/growers.
Surveys on crop prospects and projecting crop estimations, an outbreak of pests and diseases etc.
Collection and furnishing of monthly rainfall data and rendering suitable advise to the planting community.
Upkeep of TECs and adoption of the Annual Action Plan to improve production/productivity of the Farms.
Supply of seed coffee of elite plant materials to the coffee growers.
Group Gatherings/Seminars/Contact cum assessment campaign:
Extension officers conduct village level group gatherings, awareness campaign and seminars on various aspects of coffee for the benefit of both large and small coffee growers periodically at different zones of coffee areas.