Our story began with our novel "Nan Shan Doggies" Our book is talking about a legendary Chinese character, "God of Longevity", who lived in a mountain called "Nan Shan". He is responsible to give out blessings to extend good people's lives on earth. One day, on one mission, he accidentally adopted 7 doggies and this story truly begins. In order to train the doggies up as gods and goddesses, they were sent down to earth for missions. During the missions, they come across difficulties and hardships, but in the end, they find ways to save the world. Our story was aimed and designated to let children see more of our world. The missions that the doggies come across are all related recently world issues. They teach children to protect the environment, maintain world peace and love our planet. We welcome any kind of cooperation opportunities. We provide characters, graphics, illustrations and any kind of products and designs.
- The licensing service is conducted by our professional staff that understands your needs.
- Well-designed characters and storylines.