O2O 營銷模式(Online-to-Offline Marketing) 是品牌實現數碼轉型的關鍵,即透過線上營銷活動或線上消費,將潛在顧客帶至線下的實體店。網絡平台蓬勃發展,品牌可透過社交平台、電郵、搜尋引擎廣告等不同的線上渠道接觸客戶,提供最新產品資訊和發放優惠,從而把網上的顧客帶到線下的實體零售點。
Online-to-Offline Marketing is a practice of using online marketing to drive potential customers to make physical in-store purchases, which is a key to successfully implementing digital transformation. With the booming development of various online platforms, a brand can reach customers through multiple channels such as social media, email marketing and search engine advertising, to provide the latest product information and offer discounts, and then activate an offline retail experience