Dubbing / Voice Over Recording / Mixing
DoubleDouble provides various types of professional voice over dubbing services, including dubbing for TV commercials, enterprise products, movies, documentaries, TV dramas, radio commercials, teaching materials, animated movies, announcements as well as game characters and so on. Our voice talents are professionals that possess extensive dubbing experiences, they are native speakers of Cantonese, Putonghua, English, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Thai, Philippine Tagalog, Vietnamese, Indonesia Bahasa etc. In addition, we also provide post-production services including subtitles, soundtrack, editing and special effects.
配音 / 旁白錄音 / 混音
DoubleDouble 提供各類型專業配音服務,包括廣告配音、企業產品配音、電影配音、紀錄片配音、電視劇配音、出版社教材配音、動畫配音、場地廣播、動漫製作錄音、遊戲軟件 角色配音等。我們的配音團隊成員均擁有豐富配音經驗,並以粵語、國語、英語、日語、法語、德語、意大利語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、俄語、泰語、菲律賓語、越 南語、馬來西亞語、印尼語等語言為母語的專業演員擔任配音工作。我們同時代辦配音稿和翻譯稿,提供字幕、配樂、剪輯及特別效果等後期製作服務。